Usu quot accusam percipitur id, id mea sumo explicari, simul omnesque sea ne. An est mundi epicuri. Ex eum prima referr.

Our Story

Our Story

Somal Halepoto is a Karachi-based, sustainable clothing brand known for its diverse creativity and focuses on catering to a wide range of local and international clientele. Our inherent nature lies in working with local artisans to explore the vast beauty in its true essence of craftsmanship.The Somal Halepoto brand is known for its authentic cultural embroideries, a keen eye for intricate details, and extensive block printing. 


Somal is the Owner & Head Designer at SOMAL HALEPOTO. She graduated from the Indus Valley School of Art and Architecture. She has years of experience in the art and fashion industry, making her an expert.

inspiring generation

We don’t just make, we create!

Somal Halepoto is about luxury, comfort, and elegance. Our designs encapsulate simple yet practical pieces for the everyday woman- a woman who is confident in her skin and believes in her accurate and empowering self. These pieces are curated with love and attention to detail, and at SH, we aim to provide that luxe experience for each client that owns an SH piece!


SH pieces are sophisticated that is accessible to every woman. We create timeless textiles that are suitable for any event. Featured with intricate embroidery and detailing, our designs gives both luxury and comfort on the flip side.

Best Seller

Best Sellers

Our designs encapsulate simple yet practical pieces for the everyday woman.
A woman who is confident in her skin and believes in her true and empowering self.